Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

to take part in

  • 1 take part in

    (to be one of a group of people doing something, to take an active share in (eg playing a game, performing a play, holding a discussion etc): He never took part in arguments.) participar em

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take part in

  • 2 take part in

    (to be one of a group of people doing something, to take an active share in (eg playing a game, performing a play, holding a discussion etc): He never took part in arguments.) tomar parte em

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > take part in

  • 3 to take part in

    to take part in
    tomar parte em, participar de.
    to take part in
    tomar parte.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to take part in

  • 4 part

    1. noun
    1) (something which, together with other things, makes a whole; a piece: We spent part of the time at home and part at the seaside.) parte
    2) (an equal division: He divided the cake into three parts.) parte
    3) (a character in a play etc: She played the part of the queen.) personagem
    4) (the words, actions etc of a character in a play etc: He learned his part quickly.) papel
    5) (in music, the notes to be played or sung by a particular instrument or voice: the violin part.) texto
    6) (a person's share, responsibility etc in doing something: He played a great part in the government's decision.) papel
    2. verb
    (to separate; to divide: They parted (from each other) at the gate.) separar-se
    - partly
    - part-time
    - in part
    - part company
    - part of speech
    - part with
    - take in good part
    - take someone's part
    - take part in
    * * *
    [pa:t] n 1 parte: a) elemento componente de um todo. b) lote, fração, pedaço, porção, fragmento. c) divisão de uma obra. d) Mech peça. e) Anat órgão, membro. f) dever, obrigação. g) região, lugar. h) facção, partido. i) Mus voz ou instrumento em música sinfônica. j) Theat papel. 2 Math parte alíquota, submúltiplo. 3 Amer risca de cabelo. 4 talento, capacidade, dotes, prendas, qualidades. 5 fascículo de um livro. 6 Jur parte interessada. 7 parts partes: a) circunstâncias ou qualidades de uma pessoa. b) órgãos genitais externos. • vt+vi 1 partir, dividir, secionar. 2 separar, apartar, desunir. 3 repartir, lotear, parcelar. 4 quebrar, romper, fragmentar. 5 ir-se embora, retirar-se. 6 intervir, colocar-se entre. 7 deixar, separar-se de. we parted friends / separamo-nos como amigos. 8 morrer. 9 quebrar-se, romper-se. 10 discriminar, distinguir. 11 repartir (cabelo). component parts partes componentes ou integrantes. do your part! cumpra a parte que lhe compete! for my part quanto a mim, pelo que me diz respeito, de minha parte. for the most part na maioria dos casos, geralmente. good parts talento (de uma pessoa). he took it in good part ele não levou a mal, não se ofendeu. I have neither part nor lot in it não tenho nada a ver com isso. in foreign parts no exterior, em outras bandas. in good parts com boa disposição, com boa vontade. in large part em grande parte. in part em parte. in these parts nestas bandas, por aqui. I take his part tomo seu partido, coloco-me a seu lado. of parts talentoso, capaz. on his part a) de sua parte. b) em seu lugar. on the part of da parte de. spare parts peças sobressalentes. the greater part a maior parte. the most part a maioria. to come out in parts aparecer em fascículos. to part company with separar-se de. to part with a) desistir de. b) desfazer-se de. to play a part a) fingir, representar. b) desempenhar um papel. to play a part in ter uma influência, ter um papel. to take part in tomar parte em, participar de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > part

  • 5 part

    1. noun
    1) (something which, together with other things, makes a whole; a piece: We spent part of the time at home and part at the seaside.) parte
    2) (an equal division: He divided the cake into three parts.) parte
    3) (a character in a play etc: She played the part of the queen.) papel
    4) (the words, actions etc of a character in a play etc: He learned his part quickly.) papel
    5) (in music, the notes to be played or sung by a particular instrument or voice: the violin part.) parte
    6) (a person's share, responsibility etc in doing something: He played a great part in the government's decision.) papel
    2. verb
    (to separate; to divide: They parted (from each other) at the gate.) separar(-se)
    - partly - part-time - in part - part company - part of speech - part with - take in good part - take someone's part - take part in

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > part

  • 6 take

    (to take or keep (someone) as a hostage: The police were unable to attack the terrorists because they were holding three people hostage.) fazer reféns
    * * *
    [teik] n 1 quantidade que se pegou. 2 ato de pegar. 3 objeto que se pegou. 4 Cin tomada. 5 receita, renda. 6 parte, quinhão. 7 cicatriz de vacina. • vt+vi (ps took, pp taken) 1 tomar, pegar. a pain took him in the leg / ele foi tomado de dores na perna. 2 alcançar, agarrar, prender, capturar, apropriar-se. 3 arrebatar, arrancar, levar. 4 receber (como pagamento), aceitar, obter, adquirir. he won’t take "no" for an answer / ele não vai aceitar um "não" como resposta. 5 tomar, receber como marido ou mulher, tomar alojamento ou pensão. 6 suportar, receber, acolher. 7 tomar, comer, beber, engolir, consumir. 8 ganhar. 9 apanhar, contrair (doença). 10 ocupar. 11 usar, tomar (um veículo). 12 aproveitar (oportunidade). 13 tirar, tomar (férias). 14 submeter-se, sofrer, agüentar, aturar. I wouldn’t take it from anybody / não aturaria isso de ninguém. he couldn’t take it / Amer coll ele não agüentou. 15 necessitar, requerer, exigir. it takes an honest man to... / é necessário um homem honesto para... he’s got what it takes / ele possui as qualidades necessárias. 16 abranger, ocupar, consumir (tempo). 17 escolher, selecionar. 18 afastar, remover (por morte). 19 diminuir, prejudicar. 20 subtrair, extrair, extorquir, fraudar, lesar, roubar. 21 guiar, levar. 22 acompanhar, escoltar, levar. 23 carregar, transportar. 24 tirar (fotografia). 25 ser fotogênico. 26 sentir (orgulho). 27 determinar, verificar. 28 agir, ter efeito. 29 compreender. 30 supor, presumir. how old do you take him? / quantos anos lhe dá? 31 considerar. 32 assumir (responsabilidade), adotar. 33 alugar, empregar. 34 escrever, anotar. 35 tomar assinatura, assinar. 36 Gram ser usado com. 37 agradar, atrair, encantar. 38 prender (a atenção). 39 ir, andar. 40 vencer, conquistar, tomar (obstáculo). 41 ficar, tornar-se. 42 pegar, começar a crescer. 43 ser afetado por, sentir, experimentar, contrair. 44 fig manietar, subjugar. 45 assaltar, surpreender. 46 necessitar, custar. 47 colher. 48 fazer (viagem). 49 conquistar. 50 enveredar. 51 deduzir. 52 inflamar-se. 53 conceber, emprenhar, engravidar. 54 morder a isca. 55 preparar-se, empreender. as I take it a meu ver, na minha opinião. don’t take on so much about that não se preocupe tanto com isso, não faça tanto caso disso. it takes two to make a bargain quando um não quer dois não brigam. take it on! tome conta disso! take it or leave it! faça como quiser! take me, for example eu, por exemplo. taken all round considerado em conjunto. to be taken ill ficar doente. to be taken out of oneself ficar fora de si. to be taken with estar encantado com, ficar impressionado com. to take aback surpreender, espantar (alguém). to take a back seat deixar-se suplantar, aceitar ou receber lugar inferior, ser demasiado modesto. to take a breath respirar para descansar. to take account of prestar atenção a, considerar. to take action a) tomar medidas. b) Jur demandar. to take advantage of tirar proveito de, prevalecer-se de. to take after puxar a, sair à semelhança de. she takes after her mother / ela puxa à mãe. to take aim visar. to take a joke topar uma brincadeira. to take along levar. to take amiss levar a mal, sentir-se ofendido. to take away a) tirar, roubar, tomar. b) descontar. c) levar embora, afastar. to take back a) levar de volta, retirar. b) aceitar de volta. to take care ser cauteloso, tomar cuidado. to take care of cuidar de. to take charge of encarregar-se de. to take down a) tirar de cima, descer, trazer para baixo. b) escrever, anotar, registrar por escrito, tomar nota. c) derrubar (árvore), demolir (casa). d) passar na frente, transpassar. to take down a peg humilhar, baixar a estima. they took him down a peg / tiraram-lhe a prosa. to take effect entrar em vigor. to take evasive action coll evadir-se. to take exception at não gostar de. she took exception at what he said / ela não gostou do que ele disse. to take felt Mil dar baixa. to take fire a) inflamar-se. b) fig exaltar-se. to take for tomar por, considerar, confundir com. to take for a walk levar para um passeio. to take for granted tomar como certo, não dar atenção por julgar óbvio. to take forward favorecer, proteger. to take from tirar, descontar. to take heed tomar conhecimento de, considerar. to take hold of pegar. to take in a) tomar, absorver, chupar, comer, recolher, guardar (velas). b) receber (dinheiro), comprar (mercadorias). c) receber (hóspede). d) recolher, aceitar em casa. e) receber (trabalho) para fazer em casa. f) notar, perceber. g) compreender. h) engolir (mentiras). i) enganar. you can’t take me in / você não pode me tapear. to take in hand empreender, tentar. to take into account levar em conta, considerar. to take into one’s head dar na cabeça, decidir-se. to take in vain fazer mau uso, abusar. to take it easy ir com calma, ir devagar. to take it from someone acreditar em alguém. to take leave a) despedir-se, partir. b) Mil pedir licença. to take long tomar tempo, levar tempo. it would take us too long / isto nos tomaria tempo demais. how long does it take? / quanto tempo leva? to take lying down aceitar sem protesto ou defesa. to take off a) tirar. it was taken off my hands / foi tirado das minhas mãos. b) levantar vôo, decolar (também fig). he’ll take off any minute now / ele vai decolar a qualquer momento, vai começar a fazer sucesso. c) escapar, safar-se. he took himself off / coll ele safou-se, ele deu às de vila-diogo. d) exonerar. they took him off / eles exoneraram-no. to take on a) tomar conta. b) empregar, contratar. c) assumir (aparência). d) adotar, adquirir, contrair. to take one’s life into one’s hands Amer coll tomar o próprio destino nas mãos. to take one’s time não se apressar. to take on in the service alistar-se no serviço militar. to take out a) tirar, comprar. b) tirar de dentro. c) arrancar (dente). d) sacar (dinheiro). e) emprestar (livro). f) tirar (mancha). g) convidar uma dama (para dançar). h) escolher, reservar (mercadorias). i) levar para um passeio. will you take us out on Sunday? / você nos levará para passear domingo? to take out a licence tirar um documento de licença. to take over a) assumir (cargo, serviço), tomar posse. b) levar alguma coisa a alguém. to take part in tomar parte. to take path jurar. to take place acontecer, ocorrer. to take root arraigar, criar raízes, firmar-se. to take someone by surprise surpreender alguém, pegar de surpresa. to take someone by the hand a) pegar alguém pela mão. b) fig proteger alguém. to take someone for a ride Amer coll levar alguém para um passeio (a fim de matar). to take something off one’s hands encarregar-se de alguma coisa. to take steps tomar medidas. to take stock of examinar, analisar. to take the air a) Aeron levantar vôo. b) sair ao ar livre para um passeio. to take the cake ser o melhor. to take through rever, estudar. to take to a) ir para. b) refugiar-se em. the fox took to the earth / a raposa refugiou-se na cova. c) ocupar-se, dedicar-se. he takes to study / ele dedica-se aos estudos. d) afeiçoar-se, dar-se bem com. children take to him / crianças gostam dele. e) começar a fazer habitualmente, acostumar-se. we took kindly to this way of life / acostumamo-nos facilmente a este modo de vida. to take to heart levar a sério. to take to one’s bed ficar de cama por doença. she took to her bed / ela ficou de cama (por doença). to take to one’s heels correr, fugir. to take to pieces desmontar. to take up a) começar a estudar. he took up law / ele começou a estudar Direito. b) encurtar, diminuir. you’d better take that skirt up a little / é melhor você encurtar um pouco essa saia. c) adotar, começar, seguir. he took up teaching / ele seguiu a carreira de professor. d) ocupar, fazer uso de. e) utilizar, absorver. it takes up all my time / isto toma todo meu tempo. to take upon oneself tomar sob sua responsabilidade, assumir o encargo. to take up the cudgels for someone apoiar alguém, ficar do lado de alguém. to take up with ter relações, ter amizade com. what size do you take? que tamanho você usa?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take

  • 7 take account of (something)

    (to consider (something which is part of the problem etc): We must take his illness into account when assessing his work.) levar em consideração

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take account of (something)

  • 8 take account of (something)

    (to consider (something which is part of the problem etc): We must take his illness into account when assessing his work.) levar em consideração

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take account of (something)

  • 9 take (something) into account

    (to consider (something which is part of the problem etc): We must take his illness into account when assessing his work.) levar em consideração

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take (something) into account

  • 10 take (something) into account

    (to consider (something which is part of the problem etc): We must take his illness into account when assessing his work.) levar em consideração

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take (something) into account

  • 11 take account of (something)

    (to consider (something which is part of the problem etc): We must take his illness into account when assessing his work.) levar em conta

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > take account of (something)

  • 12 take account of (something)

    (to consider (something which is part of the problem etc): We must take his illness into account when assessing his work.) levar em conta

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > take account of (something)

  • 13 take (something) into account

    (to consider (something which is part of the problem etc): We must take his illness into account when assessing his work.) levar em conta

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > take (something) into account

  • 14 take (something) into account

    (to consider (something which is part of the problem etc): We must take his illness into account when assessing his work.) levar em conta

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > take (something) into account

  • 15 take (something) in good part

    (not to be upset, offended or annoyed (eg by a joke, remark etc): John took the jokes about his accident with the pot of paint all in good part.) aceitar desportivamente

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take (something) in good part

  • 16 take someone's part

    (to support someone (in an argument etc): She always takes his part.) tomar o partido de

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take someone's part

  • 17 take (something) in good part

    (not to be upset, offended or annoyed (eg by a joke, remark etc): John took the jokes about his accident with the pot of paint all in good part.) aceitar desportivamente

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take (something) in good part

  • 18 take (something) in good part

    (not to be upset, offended or annoyed (eg by a joke, remark etc): John took the jokes about his accident with the pot of paint all in good part.) levar na brincadeira

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > take (something) in good part

  • 19 take someone's part

    (to support someone (in an argument etc): She always takes his part.) tomar o partido de alguém

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > take someone's part

  • 20 take (something) in good part

    (not to be upset, offended or annoyed (eg by a joke, remark etc): John took the jokes about his accident with the pot of paint all in good part.) levar na brincadeira

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > take (something) in good part

См. также в других словарях:

  • take part (in something) — phrase to be involved in an activity with other people They will be taking part in the discussions, along with many other organizations. Elections were held, but the KLA refused to take part. Thesaurus: to take part, or to become involvedsynonym… …   Useful english dictionary

  • take part — (in sth) ► to be involved in something with other people: »Most of the board members took part in the discussions. Main Entry: ↑take …   Financial and business terms

  • take part in sth — take part (in sth) ► to be involved in something with other people: »Most of the board members took part in the discussions. Main Entry: ↑take …   Financial and business terms

  • take part with — To take the side of • • • Main Entry: ↑part …   Useful english dictionary

  • take part in something — take part (in (something)) to be actively involved in something. We haven t taken part in any of the family parties recently …   New idioms dictionary

  • take part in — take part (in (something)) to be actively involved in something. We haven t taken part in any of the family parties recently …   New idioms dictionary

  • take part — (in (something)) to be actively involved in something. We haven t taken part in any of the family parties recently …   New idioms dictionary

  • take part — ► take part join in or be involved in an activity. Main Entry: ↑part …   English terms dictionary

  • take part — index combine (act in concert), compete, engage (involve), involve (participate), join (associate oneself with) …   Law dictionary

  • take part in — index conspire, cooperate, espouse, partake Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • take part in a demonstration — index picket Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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